State of Abortion Report 2023

In the first State of Abortion report released since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the National Right to Life League provides a snapshot of the post-Roe legal landscape now that “the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the … Continued

Celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

January 22, 2023 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. It marks the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion in the US. This year is especially special as we praise God that the deadly decision was overturned in last … Continued

Is Abortion Lifesaving and Medically Necessary?

Since the Dobbs decision was released, there has been a surge of misinformation about abortion and its place in maternal medical care. To help you navigate discussions on the topic and counter the falsehoods, we have consolidated responses to common … Continued

Fetal Personhood: The Next Pro-Life Frontier

At the American Martyrs Church’s Life Forum, Lucia La Rosa Ames, Lawyer, and President of MBSAFE, suggested that the next pro-life frontier is fighting for the recognition of the personhood of the unborn. All human beings, because they are human … Continued

Life Forum Webcast

The Life & Family ministry at American Martyrs parish hosted a first ever Life Forum to educate on life issues and provide opportunities to get involved in promoting life in the community. The focus was on abortion: the Dobbs decision, … Continued

Life After Roe: Pro-Life Webcasts and Information

In the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned, pro-life leaders and media companies have been producing helpful resources for the movement to navigate this new frontier. These webcasts and articles discuss the future of post-Roe America and respond to … Continued

2022 State of Abortion Report Shows Startling Trends

The recently released National Right to Life League’s 2022 State of Abortion report delivers a concise look at today’s abortion landscape as compared to the past, recent legislative events, and the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. According to Carol … Continued

Truth About Pregnancy Centers

Reprinted from The Pregnancy Help Center is licensed by the state of California as a Medical Clinic. Our mission is to offer compassionate care and evidence-based medical information to all clients. Our Medical Director, a licensed Ob/Gyn M.D., oversees medical … Continued