Celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Celebrate life!

January 22, 2023 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. It marks the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion in the US. This year is especially special as we praise God that the deadly decision was overturned in last June and we celebrate LIFE!  At the same time, we mourn for the over 64 million preborn babies in the US who lost their lives in the decades following Roe.

Our work to protect life is far from over. In 2022 alone, abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide, killing 44 million people. Last November, California voters chose to enshrine late-term abortions by amending the state Constitution.

Our mission to protect our most vulnerable brothers and sisters has not ended with the demise of Roe. YOU can be the voice of these little ones.

We invite you to celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday by taking steps to protect life in your community. Here are some ideas:


Join pro-lifers across the country to pray for the protection of human life from conception to natural death.

Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life.
Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood.
Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image – as well as theirs – made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.


Share with family and friends why you’re pro-life. Use the SLED Test to explain the pro-life position.

Get Involved as a Church

Start a pro-life ministry in your church, join an existing ministry, or turn your church into a House of Refuge.

Join a Pro-Life Event

Attend or watch a pro-life event this weekend. There are several pro-life events going on including One Life LA and the National March for Life

Support Your Local Pregnancy Center

Support the Pregnancy Help Center with a financial contribution or a gift of your time and talents. Give the gift of hope to women who are struggling with unexpected pregnancies and difficult life circumstances.

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