What You Need to Know About Chemical Abortion

How much do you know about chemical abortion? It now accounts for over 63% of abortions and that number is expected to reach 80% by the end of the year. Chemical abortion is an epidemic and urgent action is needed to stop the widespread use of these dangerous pills. Read on to learn the facts about chemical abortion and what you can do to push back against its proliferation.

What is Chemical Abortion

Chemical abortion is a process that involves taking two drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. The first drug, mifepristone, works by blocking progesterone, a hormone necessary for sustaining pregnancy. The deprivation of progesterone is what causes the death of the preborn baby. The second drug, misoprostol, induces contractions to expel the baby and other pregnancy tissue from the uterus. The FDA approves the use of these pills up to 10 weeks of pregnancy only.

The Scale of the Problem

The FDA has removed its requirement for an in-person visit prior to obtaining these drugs. As a result, the pills are now easily available online, often from a nonmedical provider. Reliance on chemical abortion has increased steadily as it has become more accessible; in 2023 chemical abortions accounted for 63% of all abortions in the United States, an increase from 53% in 2020. With the rise in chemical abortions, total abortion numbers in the U.S. are at their highest in more than a decade.

WATCH: How the abortion industry preys on the desperation of women with unexpected pregnancies

The rise also stems from mainstream media and abortion advocates actively promoting the “safety” and convenience of chemical abortion while heavily downplaying the dangers. They wrongly promote the drugs as being as “safe” as Tylenol and entice women with the allure of having an abortion in the comfort of their own home. This lulls women into a false sense of security, and many are alarmed and unprepared for the side effects such as intense pain and copious bleeding.

WATCH: Former abortion workers share their personal experience dispensing and taking chemical abortion pills

Why is Chemical Abortion Dangerous

Abortion always harms innocent preborn babies, but chemical abortion is also dangerous for their mothers. Chemical abortion has 4 times the complication rate of surgical abortion and there has been a 500% increase in abortion-related ER visits with the growing use of chemical abortion pills. These pills are not safe for women to order anonymously online and consume at home without medical oversight.

The FDA limits chemical abortion to 10 weeks gestation because complications increase as pregnancy advances. Yet Planned Parenthood illegally promotes and prescribes the abortion pill through 11 weeks gestation. Many women do not accurately estimate their gestational age. By allowing them to order the pills online without an ultrasound to confirm how far along they are, women’s lives are being put at risk.

Increasing rates of ectopic pregnancy in the U.S. makes chemical abortion an even greater threat to women. An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that could lead to life-threatening bleeding and death. The side effects of the abortion pill are similar to the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy and can mask the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. Without an ultrasound exam, women who self-manage their abortions may not realize that they have an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy which could be fatal for them.

Furthermore, the ease of procuring abortion pills and lack of medical oversight allows traffickers and abusive partners to cover up their abuse through forced abortions.

READ: Fact sheet on the risks of chemical abortion

What is Abortion Pill Reversal (APR)

Fortunately, there is hope for preborn babies even after their mothers have taken mifepristone, the first of the two abortion pills. For women who regret taking that first abortion pill, the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) process can “reverse” the effects of the drug and give babies a second chance at life. Time is of the essence for this protocol to work; treatment should begin ideally within 24 hours of taking the first abortion pill.

WATCH: Abortion Pill Reversal: What You Need to Know [CLM Video]

The process involves giving progesterone to outcompete the effects of mifepristone, which starves the fetus of progesterone. The goal is to reverse the effects of the abortion pill and save the pregnancy. The progesterone used in the reversal process has been safely used in pregnancy for over 50 years. A 2018 peer-reviewed study showed 64%-68% of the pregnancies were saved through Abortion Pill Reversal

WATCH: Rebekah Hagan share her APR success story 

Threats to APR in California

Sadly, California Attorney General (AG) Rob Bonta has been attempting to shut down APR services and silence pro-life speech. In September 2023, AG Bonta filed a lawsuit against Heartbeat International, a 24 hour referral network, and RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, provider of APR Services. He alleges that they are sharing “false or misleading statements” and engaging in “unlawful, unfair, and fraudulent business practices” for providing information about and access to APR.

How YOU Can Help

The media and abortion advocates promote a one-sided view of chemical abortion, leaving women in the dark about the risks. Women and society at large need to hear the whole truth; share these resources with your family and friends:

Spread the word about Abortion Pill Reversal and help providers continue to offer this lifesaving process: