You're Invited!

The Pregnancy Help Center is celebrating its 8th Annual Evening of Hope as a VIRTUAL event this year on Thursday, October 29th at 7:00 p.m. Our featured speakers are Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and Dr. Alveda King, Executive Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn.

Executive Director Adrienne Gross will present an update on the Center’s accomplishments during the COVID-19 pandemic, and you'll hear the stories of clients we've helped this year. This energetic, fast-paced event will also feature musical entertainment and messages from Center supporters.

The goal of the Evening of Hope is to raise awareness about the Center and to inspire attendees to participate in the vision and mission of the Center. This is our largest fundraising event of the year. The collective efforts of the community allow the Center to provide over 1,000 services annually.

At this virtual event, we will have the opportunity to look back in thankfulness and awe at how the Lord has grown and led this ministry since our doors opened in 1976. During this uncertain time, the Center still offers hope and help to women in unplanned pregnancies so that they can choose life for their preborn babies.

Please make plans now to join us at this special, virtual event!
The program begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. PDT.

Help us meet our goal of $150,000!

An opportunity to make a financial gift will be extended.


We encourage you to gather your friends and family virtually to watch and discuss the program.

Please register today, then download our Virtual Host Guide.

For more information, please call (424) 263-4855.


We'll See You There!

Thank you to our generous sponsors who have supported

this evening’s virtual event.


Meadows Mechanical


Barden Electric, Inc.

Beach Babies

Allen and Valerie Thomas


Mamas in Spirit Podcast with Lindy Wynne

Donald & Carol Pfaff

Xero Solar


American Martyrs Catholic Community

Terrance K. & Elizabeth L. Barry Foundation

Brian and Heidi Cunningham

Mike & Kristina Ernst

Hope Chapel

Dan & Linda Houston

Gary & Melody Meyer

Russ & Kim Neglia

Brian & Teresa O’Sullivan

St. Matthew Orthodox Christian Church

J.J. and Lisa Turkmany

Van Leuven Family


Knights of Columbus #1990

Leyla Magpiong, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Peter Mand

Jerry & Carol Marcil

Steve & Jessica Perry

Philip Johnston Ross

Deacon Dale & Kim Sheckler

Ronald & Diana Sorensen

St. James Winers

Dan & Noreen Thomas